Mexico (Oaxaca) State Department Public Announcement
Mexico (Oaxaca) Public Announcement
November 15, 2006
This Public Announcement updates the Public Announcement for Mexico alerting U.S. citizens to the mounting violence and disorder in Oaxaca City, Oaxaca, Mexico to include increased security concerns in light of recent bombings in Mexico City. At this time, U.S. citizens should continue to avoid travel to Oaxaca City due to an increase in violence there and should be alert to the increased security concerns related to protest violence throughout Mexico. This Public Announcement expires on January 18, 2007.
On October 27, 2006, an American citizen was shot and killed in Oaxaca City as a result of the violence and disorder caused by civil unrest in the city during the past several months. Several protest groups have engaged in increasingly violent demonstrations, sometimes resulting in violent reactions from other groups.
The Government of Mexico ordered the mobilization of Federal Preventive Police (PFP) to Oaxaca City to restore order to the area on Saturday, October 28, 2006. There are reports that roads within Oaxaca State, including the main highway and secondary roads linking Oaxaca City to Mexico City, may be closed or barricaded at any time, and flights may be temporarily delayed or cancelled at the Xoxocotalan International Airport. Within the city itself, protesters and the PFP frequently engage in confrontations that may become violent, including random shootings. U.S. citizens should continue to avoid travel to Oaxaca City. Those already in Oaxaca should avoid large groups and active demonstrations, and should remain in their homes or hotels, avoiding the downtown and surrounding areas during active demonstrations or PFP operations.
Recent bombings of commercial institutions and the Election Tribunal in Mexico City reportedly were related to the unrest in Oaxaca City and election protests. In the coming weeks, protesters may use the Anniversary of the Mexican Revolution on November 20 and events surrounding the presidential inauguration on December 1 to initiate additional demonstrations or acts of violence in Oaxaca City, Mexico City, and elsewhere in the country. Even demonstrations intended to be peaceful can turn confrontational and escalate into violence. U.S. citizens should exercise caution, monitor local news reports, and avoid areas where demonstrations are slated to occur.
The State Department reminds U.S. citizens to avoid participating in demonstrations and other activities that might be deemed political by Mexican authorities. The Mexican Constitution prohibits political activities by foreigners, and such actions may result in detention and/or deportation.
For the latest security information, Americans traveling abroad should regularly monitor the Department's Internet web site at where the current Worldwide Caution Public Announcement, Travel Warnings and Public Announcements can be found.