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30 September 2006

The Secret book part two

So, anyone paying attention out there?Here's the next page, scanned 6:30 am Saturday September 30 2006.

"....Later the illuminati operating under the name of The League of the Just, changed their name to "The League of Communists".*
The Communists celebrate May 1st as the birth of their revolutionary movement because it was the birthday of the Illuminati, founded by Adam Weishaupt. And, it is not by chance that all Communists use the "Pentagram" (five pointed star) as one of their insigia. And, it is not by chance that the Communists use the term RED to describe their revolutionary movement. The Rothschild international banking family, who for some 200 years had a great influence on the economic and the political history of Europe, was founded by Mayer Amschel Rothschild Feb. 23, 1744 in Frankfurt. He had five sons and the family name derived fro'm the RED SHIELD on Mayer's ancestor's house.
It was Adam Weishaupt and the House of Rothschild who started this partly religious and partly political movement5 foretold in prophecy as the "Scarlet Coloured Beast" that shall ascend out of the bottomless pit (Spiritualism). Revelation 17:3, 8.
In the 1890's this world revolutionary movement added to its membership Vladimar Ilyich Ulyanov, who changed his name to Nicholai Lenin. As the Illuminati terrorist group in France (Jacobin Clubs) caused the fall of the government of Louis XVI, so did their later aristocractic brethren operating under the name of Bolshevism6 cause the overthrow of the Tsar in Russia and cause the Russian Revolution in 1917.7 It will be shown later that these Communists were financed by both European and American International Bankers.

Everything these people have worked for for hundreds,
maybe thousands of years is coming to fruition.We are the guinea pigs.
Evil is running rampant in this country that we consider to be a christian nation.
None of us should think him or herself righteous enough to be raptured off this planet.
You will experience a trial by fire if you want to see heaven.

28 September 2006

How's It Going out there in Amerika?

Here I am back at this little corner of my world.I somehow now feel the need to share this Little bit of literature with you.Somehow I know it will help a seeker from Europe.Don't ask me why, just read the shit.......


In 1785, the Bavarian Government exposed Adam Weishaupt's plan to destroy Christianity and control governments. However, this was not the end of the Illuminati, as most historians have written. Weishupt's plans were only interrupted and dealt with as a dangerous revolutionary force in Germany. The other nations that the Illuminati were operating in did not heed the warning from the Bavarian Government. Just a couple of years later, the plan to destroy Christianity and World Governments was first seen in the French Revolution. This same revolutionary force reappeared again in Germany, called "The League of the Just,"1 with branches in London, Brussels, Paris, and Switzerland.

Napoleon, when he came into power, would not tolerate the activities of the Jacobin Clubs with their independent opposition, so he completely sup­pressed it.2 However, the Illuminati just operated under other names. It was under the name of "The League of the Just" that "Karl Marx" became a member. He was hired to update the writings of Adam Weishaupt, written seventy years earlier. Weishaupt died in 1830, but his revolutionary plans were carried on by a list of his successors.

In 1842 Karl Marx began to write revolutionary propaganda for the League of the Just, hoping to cause a spirit of unrest. In 1844, in collaboration with Friedrich Engels, and under the supervision of The League of the Just, Marx began to write the in­famous "Manifest der Kommunistichen Partei," com­monly known today as the "The Communist Manifesto,"

There, put that in your pipe and smoke it.I know I did....lol

If you want more from this book, leave a comment.Otherwise why bother if noone is reading it, huh?