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17 February 2006

Whatever Happened to: Dr. Hook?

So...Whatever happened to 1970's music sensation Dr. Hook? I decided to investigate....

As I listened to "Sylvia's Mother" with my Wife and 6 year old son, i couldn't help but think of the nights back in the mid to late 1980's, an innocent time in my life, as I look back.

Man, what a time i had back then.Rock and Roll Parties till dawn, and a little too much inconsideration of my surroundings,and the ones closest to me.Tim, Dean, Ray, Daniel, Stephanie, Wenndy, Mike, and the others from Bradley Drive.....The Evil on Queen Street, for those DIO Fans out there.That whole damn street hasn't been the same since, but I'll get into that later in this blog.
If only I knew that Stephanie, Wenndy, and her whole family were into the dark arts, I could have probably saved myself a lot of trouble....but I bit hook line and sinker....after all i was only 19 years old, and she looked so sweet in those oh so tight shorts.....if only i would have known the trouble in store for me...I was to lose everything I had, yet gain so much more than I ever could have imagined...anyway this is a blog, so i'm blogging......

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